40 . . . Hmmnn . . . Forty . . . Ok, today is my birthday and I am now 40 years old. It’s funny that from the time I turned 22, I stopped revealing my age to people. My standard answer was, “A lady never reveals her age.” I only write my age in forms that I am required to fill out. I don’t even say it to my closest of friends. I just keep them guessing.
And yet today, I decide to blog and have it out for all the world to know. Why? I think perhaps I now feel very secure in my life. In my early twenties, I think I would give my standard answer to be coy and intriguing. In the late twenties and early thirties, I would say it because I didn’t want to hear others say, “How come you’re not married yet? Do you have a boyfriend?” And then in the recent years, I didn’t really care if people knew, but I guess everyone had accepted my standard answer that they have stopped asking. :)
So now I have spent exactly forty years in this world and I thank God for the blessed life He has given me. My life has had its difficult moments too, but for the most part He has led me to be where I would be able to sort out those difficulties best and be most happy.
I just brought out the wish box I made in my late twenties. After I put it together, it was always placed under my bed or somewhere near it. These are the contents,
· A written affirmation of self :
“I am a pleasure to know. I am proud of who I am. I am a lovable person. I have much to give. I bring light wherever I go. I am powerful and I am loving. I am a person of worth. I deserve love. My life is unfolding perfectly. There is plenty of time.
I am compassionate and loving to myself in every way. I am committed to taking actions that will move my projects along today. I am committed to my growth and prosperity today. I open my heart to the abundance around me. Today, I make loving choices for myself and accept good in my life. God is my unfailing supply.”
o I don’t remember where I got this from, I think I got the idea from a friend, but from when I put it in my box, I remember keeping a copy in my wallet and just affirming myself every day. As a psychologist, I know the power of thought, and at that particular time in my life when I put this box together, life was just so difficult, financially and emotionally. I needed to think that things would get better.
· Several pictures of Jesus:
o Jesus with the words, “Mga himala nang ating Panginoon”
o A smiling Christ
o Jesus holding a little boy lovingly in His arms with a prayer to protect life at the back
· A little petition prayer to “Our Lady of Manaog”
· An angel
o to always be at my side, and I know he always is
· A shell
o I loved going to the beach and the shell is a reminder of the calmness I always feel as I sink my feet in the sand and look out at the water and its waves
· A smooth clear stone
o To always have magic and wonder in my life. Before I put it in my wish box, I used to keep it in my pocket. It was like my magic and lucky pebble
· A marble
o A reminder to always have fun in whatever I do and to remember to have carefree moments in my life
· A little school pin
o It was always my dream to have a school. At that time, our Toddlers Unlimited playgroups were held in the den of the Server residence.
· A picture of a man holding a bunch of red roses
o My little wish for “the one, the man I would marry." This box was made at a time when I was often dating but never really getting seriously involved.
· A lady who looked like she’s got it all, stepping out of a plane
o The me I want to be
· A picture of a baby boy
o My wish for a son
· A picture of me smiling
o To always be happy
· And lastly, a written dream and vision not for me but of something I wanted to put up, a separate school center for the needy.
Put inside it all your hopes and dreams. Open it once in awhile to keep you on track. Make your own self affirmations. Remember to invite Jesus into your life. And strongly believe even if the future may seem bleak at the moment, that your dreams and wishes will come true in time.
Good for you Teacher Gila! It's out...the age.... :)
The Wish Box... no wonder you took so well to the idea of a Teacher's Survival Kit. Now I need a Director's Survival Kit/Wish Box.
I liked your blog today. Inspiring... as always... YOU inspire me to do things, to get moving, to give it all we've got... and now this...
Happy Birthday!
hi gila,
as promised, i read your blog on your special day. i know you are forty like lou. this calls for a grand celeb.
may you have more more b-days to come. may you inspire more people and touch more lives
see you soon - joyce d.
Thanks Gabby! I will try to put together a survival kit for us directors. Perhaps I will surprise you with it one of these days.
Thanks for reading my blog, joyce. hope all is well with you and yours.
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