Do you ever have a ME day? It’s a day that you spend doing things just for yourself. Doing grocery, errands to the bank or for something you need at home or at work, or anything of the sort are not included. I guess for some, it’s the day they go to the spa or to have their nails done, or go to the gym. I haven’t really had a ME day for a long long time. I guess being married, it gets that way most of the time. With the many demands to take care of (husband, children, household, work, etc.), we hardly have time to do anything else. For most working moms, we can steal away for a couple of hours to go to the salon or the gym but then, right after there’s a million other things we need to do.
Ten years ago, when I was still single and had no steady boyfriend, just the occasional weekend date :) , I would excitedly plan out my ME day or night way in advance. Sometimes, it would be as simple as going to the video store, renting out videos to watch and vege on the couch or bed the whole day, while making sure the maid prepares my favorite lunch, dinner, and snacks. On some nights, my friends and I will go out to try a new restaurant or bar for dinner or drinks. On those days when I had the extra cash, my very good friend Pat and I would head off to Puerto Galera for a weekend at the beach. There, we go on long walks, or just sit by the side of the hut to drink mango shakes, have those really oily massages by the sea, or just watch the sun set as we share stories with each other. That was so much fun and we would go home refreshed and rejuvenated. I think what I enjoyed about it the most was the fact that my time was really just mine then. There were no kids or husband waiting at home, and so there was none of the guilty feeling I sometimes get when I have to leave the kids with the yayas.
But I think whether we are single or married, each person should have sometime that they can just allot for himself or herself. It doesn’t have to be a whole day, perhaps a few hours will do. This time is meant to reward us for all the other duties and responsibilities we undertake. A time for us to do the things we want just for ourselves to put us back in equilibrium. It helps to balance us out because since we have given time for our self, we are ready and more willingly to do all other things for others. It makes us happier people, and helps to invigorate and recharge our sometimes worn down self.
So in the next few months, I have already scheduled my ME times. Since I have just discovered the joys of cooking and baking, I will be joining the home cooking class at Narra Club every other Tuesday. It is being taught by Ms. Anna Park who makes the class very interesting, and her cooking is great, too. Then, I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar, even if it’s only to play Raffi’s songs and other preschool rhymes and favorites. So, next in line for me is to buy a guitar and have guitar lessons (Even if my husband doesn’t like seeing a girl play the guitar. What’s that about anyway?). An hour once or twice a week will do. Maybe I can even schedule that during lunch break. And lastly, I will make sure to reconnect with a friend at least every other month, for lunch, merienda, or whatever. Those who know me, know that my schedule is so busy that it’s really difficult to squeeze some moments for myself. I can always find time for things I have to do for others, but I always put off the ones for me. But I’m getting tired of my work and home and grad school schedule. I need a little break, and I just have to tell myself that I deserve this little time for myself and stay committed to it as well. For some, my Me times might seem so lame, but hey, this is what I want to do with the few precious hours I can find just for myself. How about you? How would you spend your ME time?
1 comment:
Well, my "me time" is blogging. That's my escape. It doesn't matter if I blog about something important or not. There are even times when I couldn't think of anything to post on my blog so I'd just tweak my site (and the effect for me is still the same).
I got inspired from your post to have a real "me time". Like maybe hang out and talk to my friends more often cause I seem to have lost communication ever since I had my baby.
BTW, I added your blog to my blog roll :)
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