I have been very lazy these past two months. Just doing what needs to get done and nothing more, which isn’t like me at all. But I’m really having a difficult time shaking off this lazy bug, particularly when it comes to working on my thesis paper. Without this bug on me on a really good inspiring day, I can get it done in a couple of days. However, without a deadline to jump start me, I have not even added a sentence to what I worked on last semester. This is the drawback of being a crammer, I cannot work on something until I’m nearing the deadline no matter how I try. Even if I work on it early, the outcome won’t be as good when I am doing it in a rush.
Perhaps it’s because I have two half days off now during the week. I seemed to get more things done when I was cramming several different activities and concerns into my tight full schedule. Well, I’m doing my cooking class every other week now, though I still haven’t gotten around to enrolling for guitar lessons.
Anyway, what have I been doing during those lazy days? Sometimes, I become a couch potato and am content to watch a whole season of a favorite TV show for the 3rd or even 4th time, or even if I can’t find a decent channel on cable to watch, I just continue surfing and end up watching B movies just because I have no interest in getting up and doing something else. I guess other days are not so lazy days after all, because I still find time to bake dark chocolate cakes and brownies for my 3 boys, or I try out a new recipe learned in class. When the weather is nice, we go for a swim in the pool or just walk around the park and hang out by the sand box or the playground. And when we are inspired and are able to find the right materials, we come up with fun ideas to do with simple boxes. The four of us (my husband, 2 sons and I) spent time building and creating a fun robot costume and our own rideable Thomas the tank engine box train.

Hmmmn, now that I list down stuff I’ve done this past 2 months, I realize I have not been lazy after all, except with my thesis. I have actually been spending a lot of quality time with my family. We’ve gone to see the dinosaur exhibit at The Fort. We have barbecues at the clubhouse with friends. We fixed up the kids toyroom to make it more fun. We have relatives over to spend weekends with us. I even brought the kids to Highlands to visit the animal farm and ride the cable car. I guess I have not been very lazy at all, and I think it took writing this blog for me to realize that. They are not lazy days, just relaxed and easy days. I guess I’m not used to that because I was always rushing and often had a million things to do.
When I began this blog earlier, I felt heavy and truly thought the last 2 months has amounted to nothing. Now, I’m happy again. Writing has helped to put things in the right perspective. My kids are getting older and I am just enjoying spending time with them. Also, my school is running smoothly and my partner Thumby is truly back with us at toddlers, so it doesn’t require much of my time anymore. So, it just took writing to shake off the lazy thought and feeling. Hopefully, this perkiness I suddenly recognize again in me will include working on my research paper J
So when you think nothing is working right in your world, or you feel that you are at the bottom of the pit, it might help to make a list of all the things that are working well in your life and you’ll find that you have a lot to be thankful for, or in my case I thought I hadn’t done anything of much value in the last two months, and I find I am mistaken. Sometimes, it’s good to take stock of what you have, to help put your world in balance again.